The Best Fantasy, Horror and Sci-Fi Comics in the Universe

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32 products

  • Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: 2023 Valentine's Day Special - GTTQ2023VDA Pick E4J - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: 2023 Valentine's Day Special - GTTQ2023VDBPick E4J - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: 2023 Valentine's Day Special

    Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: 2023 Valentine's Day Special Can you feel it? Love is in the air! And what better way to celebrate than with four horrifying tales guaranteed to make your hot blood run cold. Featuring love potions, serial killers, renegade cupids and a dating app from Hell, this is one Valentine’s Day gift that will definitely keep on giving!  72-pages. Cover A - Riveiro, Mohan | Sivakami Cover B - Allan Otero | Sanju Nivangune Cover C - Ignacio Noe Cover D - John Royle | Jagdish Kumar | Ula Mos


  • Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: 2022 Halloween Special - GUPQ2022HALA Pick B4J - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: 2022 Halloween Special - GUPQ2022HALB Pick B4J - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: 2022 Halloween Special

    Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: 2022 Halloween Special This year, for the first time ever, don’t miss the broadcast of your new favorite reality challenge TV show! Watch as contestants compete on an island of pure terror for the chance for fame and to achieve their wildest dreams! Who will make it out alive and save their souls from a tortuous end?! Don’t miss this aptly timed, holiday-themed oversized issue where Halloween isn’t just a day, it’s a lifestyle, bro! Cover A - Richard Ortiz | Ivan Nunes Cover B - Igor Vitorino | Vinicius Andrade Cover C - John Royle | Jagdish Kumar | Ula Mos Cover D - Marissa Pope | Sanju Nivangune


  • Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: Game Night - GTTQGNA Pick C1E - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: Game Night - GTTQGNB Pick C1E - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: Game Night

    It's all fun and games until an evil spirit or demonic entity decides they want to play too! Games have been around since the earliest of mankind, we have always been drawn to them and they have become almost ritualistic, sitting around  with family and loved ones following the rules, laughing, enjoying, and declaring a victor. But when long-time friends get together for a night of presumed fun and games, they will find out that not every game has a winner. Be sure not to miss out on this super-sized 72-page game night, deadly enough for the whole family to enjoy! Cover A - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes Cover B - Riveiro | Grostieta Cover C - Keith Garvey


  • Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Darkwatchers featuring Gretel - GUPQDWA Pick B2F - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Darkwatchers featuring Gretel - GUPQDWB Pick B2F - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Darkwatchers featuring Gretel

    Legend has it that long ago a coven of witches and warlocks sought to perform a ritual that would grant them immeasurable power and eternal life for a cost. But this cost was not fully understood, and those who performed it were forever held between the veil of our world and eternity, cursed to watch the living and trapped with an insatiable hunger.  They became known as the Darkwatchers! Along the Santa Lucia Mountain Range there have been tales of beings who watch travelers from the horizon, and some said to look upon them vanish, never to be see again. These stories have been happening more frequently, and as Gretel and Calabar are making their way through this stretch of land, they are about to be pulled into something not even the nearly three-hundred year old witch hunter has come across in her life! Cover A - Edgar Salazar | Ivan Nunes Cover B - Keith Garvey Cover C - Nelly Jimenez


  • Myths & Legends Quarterly: Dark Princess - GFTMLDPA Pick B3K - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Myths & Legends Quarterly: Dark Princess - GFTMLDPB Pick B3K - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Myths & Legends Quarterly: Dark Princess

    For centuries evil forces have sought to take control of the realms of power and thus rule the nexus that connects; Earth. The Dark One and his Horde, The Order of Tarot, Merlin and his evil Knights have all been defeated by the Earth's Guardian and heroes, and the Realm Knights who protect Neverland, Oz, Wonderland and Myst. But from the ashes of those sects rises a new that is more deadly than all of them combined...The Dark Princess has come to the realms of power and she will not fail to enslave all that is good like those who came before her. 80 pages. Cover A - Edgar Salazar | Ivan Nunes Cover B - Martin Coccolo | Hedwin Zaldivar Cover C - Keith Garvey


  • Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: Rise of Cthulhu - GTTQROCA Pick B4K - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: Rise of Cthulhu - GTTQROCB Pick B4K - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: Rise of Cthulhu

    Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: Rise of Cthulhu For millennia it has slept while the Grimm Universe grew around it. Remembered only in myth and legend, its name has been whispered throughout time…Cthulhu.  It is evil incarnate and its awakening foretells the end of mankind. The beginning of the end of the Grimm Universe is here…Dread Cthulhu’s slumber is over. 72-pages. Cover A - Jeff Spokes Cover B - Igor Vitorino | Vinicius Andrade Cover C - Riveiro | Robby Bevard Cover D - Alfredo Reyes | Ylenia Di Napoli


  • Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Gretel Witch Hunter - GFTMLGWHA Pick B3H - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Gretel Witch Hunter - GFTMLGWHB Pick B3H - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Gretel Witch Hunter

    Gretel’s life has been coupled with one trauma after the next, starting with the loss of her brother at a young age and then her mentor just recently, both due to the machinations of an evil witch. Cursed with powers that grant her a long life that spans centuries, she is forced to consume human hearts to sustain herself at the cost of her own humanity.  Recently, she has teamed up with Calabar, a mercenary who is part of a secret faction determined to rid the world of all witches. But now, what they have discovered could unravel everything they have been working so hard to create. A new coven of witches is forming, and at its center a new evil rises, something so ancient that they may not be enough to protect us. This oversized 72 page story, packed with wall-to-wall action and horror, is one not to be missed! Cover A - Igor Vitorino | Ivan Nunes Cover B - Keith Garvey Cover C - Sabine Rich


  • Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Ares - GFTMLARESA Pick F3D - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Ares - GFTMLARESB Pick F3D - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Ares

    Spinning directly out of the events in the Grimm Universe Presents 2020 special.  After suffering a brutal defeat at the hands of the newly resurrected Hades, Ares, The God of War, is teleported to realm of Myst with no memory of who or what he truly is. Now with a second chance at a life of happiness and contentment among the innocent people of the town Alexander will Ares find the peace he has always desired before his turn to evil or will his true nature come back to haunt him when faced with an all new deadly enemy intent on destroying them all...the Warmonger.  This oversized 72 page extravaganza is brought to you by Wonderland/Helsing writer Raven Gregory with art by Renzo Rodriguez and Fran Gamboa! This is one story not to be missed! Cover A - Igor Vitorino | Ivan Nunes Cover B - Harvey Tolibao | Ivan Nunes Cover C - Keith Garvey Cover D - John Royle | Jagdish Kumar | Sebastian Cheng


  • Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Sleeping Beauty - GUPQSBA Pick C3L - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Sleeping Beauty - GUPQSBB Pick C3L - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Sleeping Beauty

    Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Sleeping Beauty Rory Norris is a talented graphic artist–with a creative vision unlike any other– but when tragedy strikes and she loses her eyesight, she is forced into a world of utter darkness. Broken and with the feeling, for the first time, of truly being alone, she will send herself on a path she never knew existed. The horrors that lie ahead of her are far from any she could have imagined, and the secrets she will uncover, hiding in our world, will change everything! Don’t miss the introduction of the Grimm Universe’s newest hero! 72-pages! Cover A - Igor Vitorino | Ula Mos Cover B - Guillermo Fajardo | Ceci de la Cruz Cover C - Ivan Tao


  • Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Dracula's Daughter - GUPQDDA Pick B4C - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Dracula's Daughter - GUPQDDB Pick B4C - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Dracula's Daughter

    Charlotte, Dracula's Daughter, is on a quest to find her notorious father. The only problem is, where he's lost is the Underworld, and how he got there is because of her half-sister, the legendary vampire hunter Liesel Van Helsing--a memory so raw, it's the only thing Charlotte hates more than the situation she is in now.  All of that is in the past now, and she is determined to locate her dad, but what she finds along the way may be more than she asked for. Don’t miss this shocking tale of one of the Grimm Universe’s deadliest villains as the terrible past of Dracula’s Daughter is finally revealed. 72-pages! Cover A - Mike Krome | Ula Mos Cover B - Igor Vitorino | Hedwin Zaldivar Cover C - Josh Burns


  • Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: Back to School - GTTQBTSA Pick C4D - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: Back to School - GTTQBTSB Pick C4D / Loading Dock - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: Back to School

    Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: Back to School In these hallowed halls of learning, a new guidance counselor has arrived with a very...unique view of right and wrong. Her name is Keres, otherwise known as the Goddess of Death, and it’s best to heed her teachings as your very life may depend on it. Follow four new tales of terror, as both students and teachers alike will be finding out firsthand that the lessons learned can sometimes be fatal. Don’t miss this terrifying collection of stories set in the most terrifying place one can imagine, high school, in this new, over-sized issue! 72-pages. Cover A - Al Barrionuevo | Ivan Nunes Cover B - Igor Vitorino | Vinicius Andrade Cover C - Pierluigi Abbondanza


  • Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Cinderella - Fairy World Massacre - GUPQCFWMA Pick C3P - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Cinderella - Fairy World Massacre - GUPQCFWMB Pick C3P - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Cinderella - Fairy World Massacre

    Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Cinderella - Fairy World Massacre Cindy is a Serial Killer Princess on a mission…er maybe a little vacation—No. Definitely a mission. As she is now thrust, like a sword through a skull, into the Fairy World, she will stop at nothing…well almost nothing--possibly for a bunch of fairy-related murders, but who knows-- to get her friend Gerald back. Taking on a bloodthirsty and psychotic being, these fairies don’t know what’s coming for them. Don’t miss this next chapter in Cinderella’s anything but sane journey to find herself…and a raccoon. Cover A - Al Barrionuevo | Ula Moss Cover B - Jordi Tarragona | Ivan Nunes Cover C - Ian MacDonald


  • Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: Heart's Desire - GTTQHDA PICK F2H - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: Heart's Desire - GTTQHDB PICK F2H - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: Heart's Desire

    Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: Heart's Desire Art is interpretive by nature and sometimes we can see what we want in a piece, but what happens when the piece shows us our deepest wish…our heart’s desire? Will it be all that we hoped it would be, or could it become twisted into something much worse?  72-pages. Cover A - Vinz El Tabanas Cover B - Riveiro | Ivan Nunes Cover C - Richard Ortiz |Ylenia Di Napolie


  • Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: Sea of Souls - TOTQSOSA Pick C4O - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: Sea of Souls - TOTQSOSB Pick C4O - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: Sea of Souls

    Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: Sea of Souls The ocean is an enigma storing many mysteries in its vast depths. Numerous accounts of its spirits, curses and creatures of legend span through the centuries but are all chalked up as myth to those on the land. But for those who call the sea home, they know better, and when the unforgiving, salty mistress spills her secrets, they know to steer clear at all costs. So when an opportunity comes up for several “adventurers” to escape the confines of their mundane life on land, they board a cruise that sets sail through the murky bottomless waters, on a ship said to be haunted. There they will find that some stories of the seven seas are anything but tales. 72-pages. Cover A - Sean Chen | Grostieta Cover B - Vinz El Tabanas Cover C - Leo Matos | Gwenaelle Daligault


  • Myths & Legends Quarterly: Blood Pharaoh - MLQBPA Pick C3A - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Myths & Legends Quarterly: Blood Pharaoh - MLQBPB Pick C3A / Loading Dock - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Myths & Legends Quarterly: Blood Pharaoh

    From Hsekiu to Ramses the stories of Egypt’s past have been filled with pharaohs and god-kings that changed the very course of history itself. And as the blood-stained sands slip through the hands of time, the tale of a forgotten prince, one of great strength and capable of great evil, Rudamon, has remained hidden, off in a private collection undisturbed until now… When an ancient evil is released, bringing with it a power not seen for centuries, the world may not be ready for the return of the Blood Pharaoh! 72-pages of horror like you have never seen before!   Cover A - Igor Vitorino | Ivan Nunes Cover B - Riveiro | Grostieta Cover C - Keith Garvey


  • Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: 2021 Holiday Special - GUPQHOL21A Pick F3B - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: 2021 Holiday Special - GUPQHOL21B Pick F3B / Loading Dock - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: 2021 Holiday Special

    Tis the season, as they say,  whether you find comfort in traveling to a new destination, burying yourself in scrooge-like work, or surrounding yourself with loved ones, whatever your preference this  Holiday Special has the story for you! From flesh-eating demons, to an undead present, or a sacrifice or two, be sure to check your pull list twice and secure that this horror-filled book is under your tree! 72-pages dripping with holiday fear! Cover A - Igor Vitorino | Grostieta Cover B - John Royle | Jagdish Kumar | Ula Mos Cover C - Vinz el Tabanas


  • Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Prophecy - MLQPROPA Pick E3G / Loading Dock - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Prophecy - MLQPROPB Pick E3G / Loading Dock - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Prophecy

    Don't miss this monumental 72-page story that is sure to upheave the very foundations of Mystere’s life!  Mary Medina’s powers over the dead have always been shrouded in mystery. In her secret identity as Mystere she has tried to use them for good even as evil forces have sought to corrupt her. With every new threat against her she falls closer to the darkness and when a new threat emerges she’ll have to uncover the secrets of her past to save her future.  Cover A - Al Barrionuevo | Ivan Nunes Cover B - Igor Vitorino | Grostieta Cover C - Ula Mos


  • Myths & Legends Quarterly: Dragon Clan - GFTMLDCA Pick B1K - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Myths & Legends Quarterly: Dragon Clan - GFTMLDCB Pick B1K - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Myths & Legends Quarterly: Dragon Clan

    Spoken of as only rumor and myth, the Dragon Clan was thought to be nothing but a legend. Now, after more than a millennia, they have risen again, more powerful and deadlier than even the legends claimed.  Don't miss this standalone 72-page story which unveils a new evil unleashed on the Grimm Universe! Cover A - Igor Vitorino | Ivan Nunes Cover B - Hedwin Zaldivar Cover C - Keith Garvey


  • Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Wonderland - War of Madness - MLQWWOMA Pick B3T - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Wonderland - War of Madness - MLQWWOMB Pick B3T / Loading Dock - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Wonderland - War of Madness

    Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Wonderland - War of Madness Peace has returned to Wonderland at last. The madness that the Jabberwocky wished to unleash has been halted, but all is not right in the realm of the newly appointed Flower Queen of Wonderland, Evelyn. As madness continues to seep through the cracks of this world, seeking to consume all that is good, it has found a new foothold in someone close to the throne. And chaos may soon reign again in Wonderland. Cover A - Igor Vitorino | Hedwin Zaldivar Cover B - Guillermo Fajardo Cover C - Mike Krome | Ula Mos


  • Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Jasmine - MLQJASA Pick C4A - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Jasmine - MLQJASB Pick C4A / Loading Dock - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Jasmine

    Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Jasmine The war raging in the shadows of the Grimm Universe leaves no one unaffected, including ex genie and fire-dagger wielding heroine, Jasmine. She was on the front lines of the initial attack and hasn’t been seen since that first strike. Lost and separated from her friends, she finds herself back inside the last place she ever wanted to be, her lamp! Now, back in a world that is all-too-familiar, Jasmine must embark on an epic mystical journey to escape the prison she finds herself in, but what secrets will she uncover about her past along the way, and what answers do they hold for her future--and the future of the Grimm Universe? Find out in this can’t-miss, oversized one-shot story for the ages! 72-pages of world-bending action! Cover A - Igor Vitorino | Hedwin Zaldivar Cover B - Riveiro | Mohan Sivakami Cover C - Ivan Tao


  • Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: The Black Knight - GUPQBKA Pick C1I - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: The Black Knight - GUPQBKB Pick C1I / Loading Dock - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: The Black Knight

    Peyton Parks has been struggling to maintain her dueling lives--public defender by day, sword-wielding armored vigilante by night. Drawing her powers from the Age of Camelot, she battles dark forces in the streets while battling for justice in the courtroom. But her worlds are about to collide when she must defend a woman who links to her own dark past. 72-pages of magic, swords, and pulse pounding action in one epic story!  Cover A - Igor Vitorino | Ivan Nunes Cover B - Guillermo Fajardo Cover C - Ivan Tao


  • Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Steampunk - GUPQSPA Pick B2M - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Steampunk - GUPQSPB Pick B2M - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Steampunk

    The Grimm Universe is growing and it’s not just from within the current confines of known space and time. Recently new worlds had been shown a doorway from their dimension into the multiverse, and some have decided to step through. Seeing little opportunity from a dying steampunk world, Van Helsing and his crew of pirates have made it to Earth, and what they find here could change everything for them and the residents of this world may suffer for it! Don’t miss this introduction to the newest steampunk-powered characters to the Grimm Universe! 80 pages. Cover A - Igor Vitorino | Ivan Nunes Cover B - Netho Diaz | Mohan Sivakami Cover C - Michael DiPascale | Sanju Nivangune


  • COMING SEPTEMBER 20TH: Sherlock Holmes #1 - SHERLOCKA PICK F3K - Zenescope Entertainment Inc COMING SEPTEMBER 20TH: Sherlock Holmes #1 - SHERLOCKB PICK F3K - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Sherlock Holmes #1

    Sherlock Holmes #1 Descended from the man who inspired the world's most famous detective, Spencer Holmes was orphaned at a young age, never knowing her true lineage.  But when her uncle suddenly returns to her life, she discovers the abilities of the Holmes family have been passed down to her, and that knowledge may cost Spencer her life - the same way it cost her parents theirs. Writer - Joe BrushaArtwork - Juan Francisco Mota - (1-39, 66, 67, 70, 71) & Gabriel Jardim - (40-65, 68, 69)Colors - Leonardo PaciarottiLetters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph StudiosEditor - David Wohl COVER A - Geebo Vigonte, Robby BevardCOVER B - Allan Otero, GrostietaCOVER C - Pierluigi Abbondanza


  • Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Blood of the Gods - MLQBOTGA Pick E3F - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Blood of the Gods - MLQBOTGB Pick E3F - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Blood of the Gods

    Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Blood of the Gods Deep in the Jungles of Chiapas, Angelica “Hellchild” Blackstone is trying to find herself the only way she knows how, hunting down the scum in our world who think they are too protected to worry. Finally catching up to a cartel leader she has been tracking, Angelica discovers something much darker than she could have ever imagined is at play. Guest Starring Gretel, The Witch Hunter, don't miss this truly terrifying new story! Cover A - Al Barrionuevo | Ivan Nunes Cover B - Michael DiPascale | Sanju Nivangune Cover C - Tristan Thompson


  • Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Black Knight - Fate of Legends - MLQBKFOLA PICK F2I - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Black Knight - Fate of Legends - MLQBKFOLB PICK F2I - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Black Knight - Fate of Legends

    Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Black Knight - Fate of Legends There are many mysteries hidden within the powers of the Black Knight, and Peyton Parks must return to Camelot to keep those secrets out of the hands of the malevolent Morgan Le Faye. Unbeknownst to her not only is Camelot imperiled but the fate of Wonderland hangs in the balance as well. Don’t miss this next harrowing chapter in the legend of the Black Knight. Cover A - Guillermo Fajardo Cover B - Keith Garvey Cover C - Richard Ortiz | Ceci de la Cruz


  • Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Jack & Jill - MLQJJA Pick B1E - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Jack & Jill - MLQJJB B1E / Loading Dock - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Jack & Jill

    Infamy can take your name to larger than life heights and no one knows this more than Jack the giant killer. With his path of vengeance carved through a life he once knew, it has led him on a course of great evil. Those in his wake had felt his pain a thousand fold, but from the ashes of the world he burned and left far behind him, a new hero will rise! Don’t miss this epic story set to rock the very foundations of the Grimm Universe! Cover A - Al Barrionuevo | Ula Mos Cover B - Igor Vitorino | Grostieta Cover C - Michael Dipascale | Sanju Nivangune


  • Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Zodiac vs Death Force - GUPQZVDA Pick B2J - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Zodiac vs Death Force - GUPQZVDB Pick B2J - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Zodiac vs Death Force

    Two of the Grimm Universes most dangerous antiheroes face each other for the first time ever in a life or death battle, neither knowing they are just pawns in a bigger game.  Who is the puppet master behind the scenes pulling their strings?  Find out in this special, oversized one shot! Cover A - Mike Krome | Ula Mos Cover B - Igor Vitorino | Ivan Nunes Cover C - Derlis Santacruz | Gwenaëlle Daligault


  • COMING AUGUST 9TH: Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Sleeping Beauty - The Nightmare Queen - GUPQSBNQA - Zenescope Entertainment Inc COMING AUGUST 9TH: Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Sleeping Beauty - The Nightmare Queen - GUPQSBNQB - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Sleeping Beauty - The Nightmare Queen

    Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Sleeping Beauty - The Nightmare Queen Rory Norris was once a promising young artist, but tragedy struck, and with it, theloss of her eyesight. Though her life had changed, she was gifted with a vision and abilitypossessed by few and thrown into a universe of dreams every time she closed hereyes. Taking on beings beyond even her most horrible imaginings, she came out on top and with a newfound understanding of her life. Now, months later, she digs deeper into her abilities while helping anyone she can, in the strange worlds that surround her. But all the while, unbeknownst to her, she has gained the attention of another, one much more ancient, who walks among these subconscious lands and does not appreciate her intrusion. Writer - Dave FranchiniArtists - Igor Vitorino(1-7, 12-15, 23-34 & 72) Julius Abrera (8-11, 16-22, 35-52, 59-60, 70 & 71) Jordi Tarragona (53-58 & 62-69)Colors - Jorge CortesLetters by Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph StudiosEditor - Dave Franchini COVER A - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes COVER B - Guillermo Fajardo COVER C - Igor Lomov COVER D - Jay Anacleto, Ula Mos


  • COMING SEPTEMBER 13TH: Necronomicon - NECROA Pick F3J - Zenescope Entertainment Inc COMING SEPTEMBER 13TH: Necronomicon - NECROB Pick F3J - Zenescope Entertainment Inc


    Necronomicon Henry Lovecraft, descendent of the notorious horror author, must journey with Spencer Holmes to find the most ancient and evil tome in the history of mankind–the Necronomicon. Believed to contain horrific eldritch magic, this book is also sought by another–a sinister and powerful being who will stop at nothing to attain his prize. Story by Joe Brusha & David WohlWriter - David Wohl & Chas! PangburnArtists -Alessandro Uezu 1-8, 14-24, 70-72Massimiliano La Manno 9-13, 25-31, 38-44, 55-69Dario Carrasco 32-37, 45-54Colors-Maxflan Araujo 9-13, 25-69Robby Bevard 1-8, 14-24, 70-72Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph StudiosEditor - David Wohl COVER A - Caio CacauCOVER B - Jordi Tarragona, Ivan NunesCOVER C - Ignacio Noe 


  • Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: 2023 Holiday Special - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: 2023 Holiday Special - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: 2023 Holiday Special

    Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: 2023 Holiday Special  The world of business is cutthroat, but even the holidays tend to offer a softer side to the C-Suite executives who keep the companies running and the economy booming. And this season of cheer is a special one, as a generous CEO has spared no expense in making sure their top workers are taken care of with the best gifts money can buy…from Krampus. Don’t miss this yuletide feast for the eyes as horror and cheer collide into one dangerously festive set of stories tied snuggly together like a present under the tree! Writer - Jenna Lyn Wright Artists - Daniel Maine 1-4, 26, 48, 69-72; Alessandro Uezu 5-25; Massimiliano La Manno 27-47; Ricardo Osnaya 49-68 Colors - Maxflan Araujo( 1-4, 26-72) & Alessandro Uezu(5-25) Letters by Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios Editor - David Wohl COVER A - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes - GUPQ23HOLA COVER B - Richard Ortiz -- GUPQ23HOLB COVER C - Ignacio Noe - GUPQ23HOLC


  • Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Dagon - MLQDAGA PICK F2J - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Dagon - MLQDAGB PICK F2J - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Dagon

    Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Dagon The Great Old One Cthulhu has slept for eons but his greatest general, Dagon,has been awake the entire time. The time has come for to make the finalpreparations for the return of his master and to gather the keys that will unleashthe great dreamer on the unsuspecting world. Story by Joe Brusha, Dave Franchini & David Wohl  Writers - David Wohl & Dave Franchini Artwork - Dario Tallarico (1-12), Allesandro Uezu (13-32 & 71-72), Massimiliano La Manno (33-49) & Ricardo Osnaya (50-70) Colors - Maxflan Araujo  Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios Editor - David Wohl Cover A - Riveiro, Grostieta Cover B - Allan Otero, Mohan Sivakami Cover C - Richard Ortiz, Vinicius Andrade Cover D - Vinz El Tabanas


  • Hydra #1 - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Hydra #1 - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Hydra #1

    Hydra #1 Of all the Great Old Ones, few could match the power of Cthulhu. Mother Hydra isone such dark god. She has been imprisoned and dormant for ages. But withGreat Cthulhu close to waking, Hydra is ready to rise and reclaim her place withhim and Father Dagon in the Unholy Trinity that will destroy mankind and rule theworld. Story by Joe Brusha & Honor VincentWriters - Honor VincentArtwork - Dario Carrasco (1-7, 34-54), Sergio Arino (8-33), Oliver Borges (55-72)Colors - Leonardo PaciarottiLetters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph StudiosEditor - David Wohl COVER A - Al Barrionuevo, Nei Ruffino - HYDRAA COVER B - Harvey Tolibao, Robby Bevard - HYDRAB COVER C - Ignacio Noe - HYDRAC COVER D - Pierluigi Abbondanza - HYDRAD



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