The Best Fantasy, Horror and Sci-Fi Comics in the Universe

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23 products

  • COMING AUGUST 23RD: Robyn Hood #100 - RH100A - Zenescope Entertainment Inc COMING AUGUST 23RD: Robyn Hood #100 - RH100B - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Robyn Hood #100

    Robyn Hood #100 Join Robyn in this historic issue as she takes a trip down memory lane, reliving some of her most memorable events while battling new enemies—and, for the first time ever, she learns the true origin of her powers. Writer - Joe Brusha Artwork - Riveiro (1-8), Alessio Mariani (9-24) & Giada Belviso (25-47) Colors - Juan Manuel Rodriguez  Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios Editor - David Wohl COVER A - Eric Basaldua, Sebastian Cheng COVER B - Igor Vitorino, Nei Ruffino COVER C - Igor Vitorino, Nei Ruffino COVER D - Igor Vitorino, Nei Ruffino COVER E - Keith Garvey

  • COMING AUGUST 30TH: Grimm Fairy Tales, Vol. 2 #75 - GFTV275A - Zenescope Entertainment Inc COMING AUGUST 30TH: Grimm Fairy Tales, Vol. 2 #75 - GFTV275B - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Grimm Fairy Tales, Vol. 2 #75

    Grimm Fairy Tales, Vol. 2 #75 This is it! The moment that we’ve been waiting for! A great Evil has been rising, and now, atop the infamous Mountains of Madness, the final phase of the plan to awaken The Dread Cthulhu is nearly complete—and the only ones standing in the way of the end of the world are Skye and a host of heroes from across the Grimm Universe. Don’t miss this double-sized issue that will alter the Grimm Universe forever! Story by Joe Brusha, Ralph Tedesco, Dave Franchini & David Wohl Writer - Dave Franchini  Artwork - Jordi Tarragona(1-3, 24, 27, 28, 31-33 & 37-50), Babisu Kourtis(4-6, 10-23, 25, 26, 29, 30 & 34-36) & Julius Abrera (7-9) Colors - Jorge Cortes Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios  Editor - Dave Franchini COVER A - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes - TRIFOLD COVER COVER B - Jordi Tarragona, Grostieta COVER C - Ivan Tao COVER D - Ignacio Noe COVER E - Josh Burns

  • Cinderella: Murder for All Seasons - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Cinderella: Murder for All Seasons - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Cinderella: Murder for All Seasons

    Cinderella: Murder for All Seasons   Writer - Dave Franchini Artist - Jordi Tarragona (1-22), Jordi Perez(23-32, 36, 37, 38 & 44-49) Salvatore Cuffari (33, 34 & 35) & Manuel Preitano (39 - 43 & 50) Colors - Juan Manuel Rodriguez (1-32, 36-43 & 50) & Leonardo Paciarotti (33, 34, 35 & 44-49) Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios Editor - Dave Franchini COVER A - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes - CMFASACOVER B - Jordi Tarragona, Ivan Nunes -  CMFASBCOVER C - Drax Gal -  CMFASC COVER D - Ivan Tao -  CMFASD

  • COMING APRIL 10TH: Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Gretel - Zenescope Entertainment Inc COMING APRIL 10TH: Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Gretel - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Gretel

    Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Gretel A deadly witch named Avarice has been terrorizing the denizens of New York’s Hell’sKitchen for generations. So, when Robyn Hood, New York’s protector, discoversAvarice’s exploits, she goes to confront her, but she’ll need the help of Gretel, theinfamous Witch Hunter, to get the job done. Story by Dave Franchini, David Wohl & Honor Vincent Writer - Honor VincentArtwork - Daniel Maine(1-24) & Alessio Mariani(25-48)Colors - Grostieta(1-24) & Maxflan Araujo(25-48) Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph StudiosEditor - David Wohl COVER A - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes - 16ACOVER B - Caio Cacau -   FTTUPGBCOVER C - Sonia Matas, Cocoaspen -  FTTUPGC COVER D - Maria Laura Sanapo, Nei Ruffino -  FTTUPGD

  • Van Helsing: Bride of the Night - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Van Helsing: Bride of the Night - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Van Helsing Annual: Bride of the Night

    Van Helsing Annual: Bride of the Night Liesel Van Helsing has discovered a horrible secret, one that will end the world she has sworn to protect. With nothing left to lose, and her back against the wall, there is only one thing she can do…fight. She needs to fight like her life depends on it, like all she cares about is at stake--because it is, and only she can choose how it all ends! Guest starring Dracula's Daughter, and featuring a shocking villain from Van Helsing's past! Story by Dave Franchini, David Wohl & Pat Shand Writer - Pat Shand Artwork - Eman Casallos 1-16, Julius Abrera 17-30 & Allan Otero 31-48 Colors - Walter Pereyra 1-16, 41-45, Maxflan Araujo 17-40 & Grostieta 46-48 Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios Editor - David Wohl COVER A - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes  - VHABOTNA COVER B - Harvey Tolibao, Grostieta -  VHABOTNDB   COVER C - Josh Burns - VHABOTNC COVER D - Julius Abrera, Sanju Nivangune - VHABOTND

  • Holmes & Houdini: The Curse of Moriarty Holmes & Houdini: The Curse of Moriarty

    Holmes & Houdini: The Curse of Moriarty

    Holmes & Houdini: The Curse of Moriarty Spencer Holmes and Erica Houdini return for another supernatural case of mayhem. But this time their investigation leads them to Victorian England, where the world’s most famous detective (and Spencer’s ancestor), Sherlock Holmes, was ensnared in a deadly game of his own, against his most malevolent nemesis, Professor James Moriarty. What secrets lie in this dark tale, and what could Moriarty be dabbling in that brings in the famed vampire hunter—Liesel Van Helsing?? Don't miss this centuries-spanning mystery that will change everything we thought we knew about the great detective!  Story by Dave Franchini & David Wohl  Writer - David Wohl  Artwork - Renato Rei (1-8, 21-27 &48) Massimiliano La Manno (9-20 & 28-32) & Allan Otero (33-47) Colors - Maxflan Araujo Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios Editor - David Wohl COVER A - Guillermo Fajardo- HHCMA COVER B - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes - HHCMB COVER C - Pierluigi Abbondanza - HHCMC COVER D - Ivan Tao - HHCMD

  • COMING AUGUST 23RD: Keys of Cthulhu - KEYSA - Zenescope Entertainment Inc COMING AUGUST 23RD: Keys of Cthulhu - KEYSB - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Keys of Cthulhu

    Keys of Cthulhu Cthulhu is close to waking from his long prison of sleep. The keys to his awakening have been found and all but two have been collected. Avril Williams knows her power as a witch makes her special but she never suspected they made her a key to waking the greatest evil the world has ever known. Now on a mysterious South American island teeming with evil, she must confront her destiny as the final key to unlocking hell on earth.  Story by Joe Brusha, Dave Franchini & David Wohl Writers - Dave Franchini & David WohlArtwork - Ricardo OsnayaColors - Maxflan AraujoLetters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph StudiosEditor - David Wohl COVER A - Al Barrionuevo, Robby Bevard COVER B - Alfredo Reyes, Ylenia Di Napoli COVER C - Ron Leary Jr.  COVER D - Ignacio Noe

  • Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Belle the Beast Hunter - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Belle the Beast Hunter - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Belle the Beast Hunter

    Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Belle the Beast Hunter Writer - Dave FranchiniArtwork - Giada Belviso 1-24 & Rodrigo Xavier 25-48Colors - Juan Manuel RodriguezLetters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph StudiosEditor - David WohlCOVER A - Al Barrionuevo, Nei Ruffino - FTTUPBACOVER B - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes -   FTTUPBBCOVER C - Ivan Tao -  FTTUPBC COVER D - Pierluigi Abbondanza -  FTTUPBD

  • GFT 2024 Halloween Special - Cinderella's Monster Mash GFT 2024 Halloween Special - Cinderella's Monster Mash

    GFT 2024 Halloween Special - Cinderella's Monster Mash

    GFT 2024 Halloween Special - Cinderella's Monster Mash Cinderella isn't really into dancing with a bunch of creepy dorks, but she has extreme FOMO when it comes to parties. So when she invited to a get together at this spooky castle full of weirdos, she can't say no to one late night, with some eerie sights, mad scientist nerds, vampires, mummies and supernatural freaks galore.  But to their surprise she might just mash them all into some unrecognizable monster goop, that is if they don't turn her into one of the undead before the night's over!  Don't miss the party of the century, or at least...uhm, 2024? Writer - Dave Franchini Artists - Jordi Tarragona Colors - Juan Manuel Rodriguez Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios Editor - Dave Franchini COVER A - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes COVER B - Jordi Tarragona, Ivan Nunes COVER C - Igor Lomov COVER D - John Royle, Jagish Kumar & Nei Ruffino  

  • COMING FEBRUARY 14TH: Myst: Dragon's Guard - Zenescope Entertainment Inc COMING FEBRUARY 14TH: Myst: Dragon's Guard - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Myst: Dragon's Guard

    Myst: Dragon's Guard  Sela Mathers is back! And while her daughter Skye has inherited the responsibility of guarding the Earth from all threats that it faces, Sela has been tasked with defending Myst and the other realms of power! But a pervasive evil has been festering in the realms, and to combat it, Sela must scour the history of this land of Fairy Tales and call forth the legendary Dragon’s Guard to help restore balance!   Don’t miss the return to form for the original hero of the Grimm Universe! Story by Joe Brusha, Dave Franchini, David Wohl & Alec WorleyWriter - Alec WorleyArtwork - Alessio Mariani 1-8, Dario Carrasco 9-28 & Gabriel Jardim 29-48Colors - Leonardo PaciarottiLetters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph StudiosEditor - David Wohl COVER A - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes - MDGA COVER B - Sonia Matas, Cocoaspen - MDGB COVER C - Pierluigi Abbondanza - MDGC

  • Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Jasmine Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Jasmine

    Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Jasmine

    Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Jasmine A former genie who freed herself from bondage, the fire-dagger-wielding femme fatale known as Jasmine has been on an epic journey in the world within the lamp, fighting oppression and helping those in need in this desert wasteland. But when she encounters an opponent who threatens to destroy this realm and those beyond, Jasmine enlists the aid of an unlikely ally--New York's most notorious protector, Robyn Hood. Story by Dave Franchini, David Wohl  Writer - David WohlArtwork - Rodrigo Xavier (1-27), Hakan Aydin (28, 29 & 33-40) & Allan Otero (30-32 & 41-47)Colors - Juan Manuel Rodriguez (1-27) & Maxflan Araujo(28, 29 & 33-40) Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph StudiosEditor - David Wohl COVER A - Jeff Spokes - FTTUPJACOVER B - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes -   FTTUPJBCOVER C - Sonia Matas, Cocoaspen -  FTTUPJC COVER D - Maria Laura Sanapo, Nei Ruffino -  FTTUPJD

  • Van Helsing: Hexed Van Helsing: Hexed

    Van Helsing: Hexed

    Van Helsing: Hexed Liesel Van Helsing has made many enemies in her life, but few as deadly as the notorious witch known as Mother Margaret. So, when Van Helsing’s search for her friend Julie Jekyll leads the vampire hunter right to Mother Margaret’s door, she knows that big trouble can’t be far behind. But is it already too late to save Julie? Story by Dave Franchini, David Wohl & Pat Shand Writer - Pat Shand Artwork - Julius Abrera Colors - Grostieta Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios Editor - David Wohl COVER A - Igor Vitorino, Nei Ruffino - VHHEXA COVER B - Eman Casallos, Ivan Nunes  -  VHHEXB COVER C - Pierluigi Abbondanza -  VHHEXC COVER D - Ivan Tao - VHHEXD

  • Grimm Tales of Terror 2024 Holiday Special Grimm Tales of Terror 2024 Holiday Special

    Grimm Tales of Terror 2024 Holiday Special

    Grimm Tales of Terror 2024 Holiday Special Have a holly, jolly night of terror as Keres the Goddess of Death checks her list once, and punishes all those unlucky naughty souls who won't get a second chance. Set during the happiest time of year, follow four horrifying tales sure to add an extra chill to your blood this year! Story by Dave Franchini & David Wohl Writer - David Wohl  Artist - Dario Tallarico (1-6, 47, 48) Alessandro Uezu (7-19) Massimiliano La Manno (20-32) Allen Otero (33-46) Colors - Maxflan Araujo Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios Editors - David Wohl COVER A - Riveiro, Grostieta - 73238851170900111 - GTOTHOL24A COVER B - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes - 73238851170900121 - GTOTHOL24B COVER C - Igor Lomav - 73238851170900131 - GTOTHOL24C COVER D - Pierluigi Abbondanza - 73238851170900141 - GTOTHOL24D

  • COMING MARCH 20TH: Horror & Fantasy Illustrated: Cradle of Shadows - Zenescope Entertainment Inc COMING MARCH 20TH: Horror & Fantasy Illustrated: Cradle of Shadows - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Horror & Fantasy Illustrated: Cradle of Shadows

    Horror & Fantasy Illustrated: Cradle of Shadows An eccentric billionaire gets more than he bargained for when his vanity trip to the moon goes horribly awry. What began as a mission to claim untapped resources soon becomes a nightmarish descent below the lunar surface, forcing the expedition’s crew members to confront unspeakable terrors along the way. Will they conquer the lunar abyss, or succumb to the horrors that lurk in the shadows of the moon? Writer - Joe BrushaArtwork - Saint YakColors - Leonardo PaciarottiLetters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph StudiosEditor - David Wohl COVER A - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes - HFICOSA COVER B - Guillermo Fajardo  - HFICOSB COVER C - Sonia Matas, Cocoaspen -  HFICOSC

  • Horror & Fantasy Illustrated: Plum Island - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Horror & Fantasy Illustrated: Plum Island - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Horror & Fantasy Illustrated: Plum Island

    Horror & Fantasy Illustrated: Plum Island Sitting less than 100 miles from New York City, the infamous Plum Island has,for decades, been the home of a government laboratory devoted to studyingthe most dangerous diseases to the animal population. But where do its life-saving vaccines come from, and what happens if something dangerous anduncontrollable was ever to escape from it? Don't miss this sordid tale whereboth shocking answers are revealed, and the world may never be the same. Story by Dave Franchini & David WohlWriter - Dave FranchiniArtwork - Allan Otero(1-3, 7-12, 30-35 & 42-28) & Rodrigo Xavier(4-6, 13-29 & 36-41)Colors - Leonardo PaciarottiLetters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph StudiosEditor - David Wohl COVER A - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes -  HFIPIACOVER B - Harvey Tolibao, Robby Bevard  -  HFIPIBCOVER C - Pierluigi Abbondanza   HFIPICCOVER D - Derlis Santacruz, Sanju Nivangune -  HFIPID

  • Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Van Helsing - Zenescope Entertainment Inc Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Van Helsing - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Van Helsing

    Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Van Helsing When Robyn Hood discovers a nest of affluent vampires running an underground club in New York City, she quickly realizes she needs the help of Liesel Van Helsing, the world's foremost vampire hunter, to take them down. Story by Dave Franchini, David Wohl & Pat Shand Writer - Pat ShandArtwork - Alessio Mariani (1-24) & Daniel Maine (25-48)Colors - Juan Manuel Rodriguez (1-24) & Maxflan Araujo (25-48) Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph StudiosEditor - David Wohl COVER A - Geebo Vigonte, Robby Bevard - FTTUPVHACOVER B - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes -   FTTUPVHBCOVER C - Sonia Matas, Cocoaspen -  FTTUPVHC COVER D - Pierluigi Abbondanza -  FTTUPVHD

  • Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Mystere Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Mystere

    Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Mystere

    Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Mystere Mary Medina has had her hands full these last few years to say the least and recently she's experienced some not-so-fun times being a target of the Congregation of the Dead- an ancient society of like-powered individuals who can control spirits- among other things- similar to Mary when she is in her Mystere persona. And Robyn Hood- well- let's just say she continues finding herself in trouble that most of the time she puts herself right in the middle of. So when when a friend reaches out to both of these heroes for help from beyond the grave will ever be the same as they are pulled deep into a muddy mystery that will change everything they know about the world they live in! Writer - Dave FranchiniArtwork -Guillermo Fajardo (1-3, 23, 24 & 48) Rodrigo Xavier (4-22 & 25-29) & Erik Tamayo (30-47)Colors - Juan Manuel Rodriguez (4-22, 25-47) & Maxflan Araujo (1-3, 23,24 & 48) Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph StudiosEditor - David Wohl COVER A - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes - FTTUPMYSACOVER B - Caio Cacau -   FTTUPMYSBCOVER C - Sonia Matas, Cocoaspen -  FTTUPMYSC COVER D - Maria Laura Sanapo, Candice Han -  FTTUPMYSD

  • Belle: Shadow of the Rose Belle: Shadow of the Rose

    Belle: Shadow of the Rose

    Belle: Shadow of the Rose Anabelle “Belle” DiMarco is tormented by the pain and loss she has endured during her short time in this world. She has spent her life fighting the never-ending battle against evil creatures that only our nightmares could dream up. But, when she is presented with a remedy for a wound she has suffered with for far too long—a cure for the curse placed upon her brother, Alex, which changed him into one of the very beasts she hunts-- Belle finally has a chance, after all these years, to pull his humanity back from the shadows it has been imprisoned beneath.   Blood runs deep, and Belle's ax remains sharp, but could this be the last pursuit this beast hunter sets off on? Can she finally cure the Beast? Will she survive the price asked of her? Don't miss this adrenaline-soaked over-sized issue! Writer - Dave FranchiniArtwork - Jim Jimenez Colors - Juan Manuel Rodriguez Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph StudiosEditor - Dave Franchini Cover A – Igor Vitorino | Ivan Nunes 69183573152000111 - BELLESORACover B – Guillermo Fajardo 69183573152000121 - BELLESORBCover C – Pierluigi Abbondanza 69183573152000131 - BELLESORCCover D – Keith Garvey 69183573152000141 - BELLESORD

  • Hell Heist #1 of 2 Hell Heist #1 of 2

    Hell Heist #1 of 2

    A seasoned crew of master thieves targets an ancient sarcophagus hidden within a luxurious Beverly Hills mansion. But what begins as a high-stakes heist quickly spirals into horror and chaos, as the team unwittingly finds themselves up against an ages-old evil. Facing a relentless supernatural force, it's a race against time to not just complete the job, but to stay alive. Brimming with suspense, action, and horror, Hell Heist is a must-read for fans of supernatural thrillers and heist dramas. Don’t miss out on this explosive debut—grab your copy of Hell Heist #1!  Cover A - Caio Cacau Cover B - Pierluigi Abbondanza

  • Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Red Agent Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Red Agent

    Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Red Agent

    Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Red Agent Britney “Red Agent” Waters world has been spiraling since the loss of her closest friend Avril Williams. And when she reaches out to her old associate, the infamous Robyn Hood, for help, things don't go as planned. Now, with their lives on the line, Britney and Robyn are pulled deep into a sinister conspiracy linked to a very ancient organization. And every choice they make could be their last!  Don't miss this high-octane, super-spy thriller--where witchcraft, espionage and kick ass action are fused together to make one explosive book that can't be missed! Writer - Dave FranchiniArtwork - Rodrigo Xavier Colors - Juan Manuel Rodriguez  Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph StudiosEditor - Dave Franchini COVER A - Sean Chen, Ivan Nunes - 69183573322700611 - FTTUPRAACOVER B - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes - 69183573322700621 - FTTUPRABCOVER C - John Royle, Jagdish Kumar, Ula Mos - 69183573322700631 - FTTUPRAC COVER D - Sonia Matas, Cocoaspen - 69183573322700641 - FTTUPRAD

  • The Bunnyman's Furry Nightmare The Bunnyman's Furry Nightmare

    The Bunnyman's Furry Nightmare

    The Bunnyman's Furry Nightmare An "innocent" trip to Furry-Con leads Floyd the Bunnyman and Jack the Jackalope down a rabbit hole of secret societies and wacky celebrities. Will the dynamic duo make it out alive, or will they end up as trophies? Find out in: Bunnyman's Furry Nightmare! Story by Nick Bermel, Joey Brusha & Joe Brusha Writer - Nick Bermel & Joe Brusha  Artwork - Unai de Zarate Colors - Leonardo Paciarotti Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios  Editor - Ralph Tedesco Cover A - Guillermo Fajardo - BMFNA Cover B - Jordi Tarragona, Ivan Nunes - BMFNB Cover C - Sonia Matas, Cocaaspan - BMFNC Cover D - Alfredo Reyes, Sanju Nivangune - BMFND Cover E - Maria Laura Sanapo, Candice Han - BMFNE  

  • COMING MARCH 13TH: True Horror Mysteries: The Babysitter Killer & And other Terrifying Tales - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

    True Horror Mysteries: The Babysitter Killer & And other Terrifying Tales

    True Horror Mysteries: The Babysitter Killer & And other Terrifying Tales Nearly 50 years ago, the youth of Oakland County, Michigan fell prey to the twisted whims of The Babysitter Killer, who abducted and murdered at least four children between 1976 and 1977. To this day, the killer has never been brought to justice. True Horror Mysteries pulls back the curtain on this and other crimes, taking a closer look at the victims’ stories along with those of the suspects linked to their stories. Writer - Ken JanssensArtwork - Gabriel Jardim (1-16), Juan Francisco Mota (17-32) & Massimiliano La Manno (33-48)Colors - Maxflan AraujoLetters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph StudiosEditor - David Wohl COVER A - Leonardo Colapietro - THMTBSKA


  • Hell Heist #2 of 2 Hell Heist #2 of 2

    Hell Heist #2 of 2

    The 2nd and final issue is HERE as the action intensifies!  After narrowly escaping death at the hands of demonic truckers, Luke finds an unexpected ally in Celine—the very woman his crew had stolen from. Desperate times call for desperate measures as Celine enlists Luke's help to prevent an impending apocalypse. Together, they race toward the Arizona desert, determined to stop a group of men intent on literally raising hell on Earth. But as they confront ancient evil, Luke is blindsided by an unforeseen twist that changes everything.  Packed with relentless action, supernatural horror, and shocking revelations, Hell Heist #2 is a must-read!  Don't miss out on the gripping finale!   Cover A - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes - 69183573162900211 - HEIST02A Cover B - Josh Burns - 69183573162900221 - HEIST02B


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