Pooh vs. Bambi
Pooh vs Bambi #1 of 3
Pooh vs Bambi #1 of 3 In war there are rules, but the forest has none. Abandoned by his country, betrayed by those he once called family, and hunted by those who want nothing more than to keep him as a trophy, Pooh is on a mission and no amount of honey will sate his thirst—he wants revenge! Story by Joe Brusha, Dave Franchini, David Wohl & Noah Mitchell Writer - Noah Mitchell Artwork - Jordi Tarragona Colors - Juan Manuel Rodriguez Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios Editor - David Wohl COVER A - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes - PVSB01A COVER B - Jordi Tarragona, Ivan Nunes - PVSB01B COVER C - Pierluigi Abbondanza - PVSB01C COVER D - Sonia Matas, Cocoaspen - PVSB01D
Pooh vs Bambi #2 of 3
Pooh vs Bambi #2 of 3 As Pooh's thirst for revenge, and honey, draws him deeper into the dark and treacherous Hundred Acre Wood, he must turn to an unlikely ally from his past for assistance, but will this tiger change her stripes, or has he entered into a deadly situation there is no bouncing back from? Story by Joe Brusha, Dave Franchini, David Wohl & Noah Mitchell Writer - Noah Mitchell Artwork - Jordi Tarragona Colors - Juan Manuel Rodriguez Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios Editor - David Wohl COVER A - Jordi Tarragona - PVSB02A COVER B - Igor Vitorino - PVSB02B COVER C - Meguro - PVSB02C
Pooh vs Bambi #3 of 3
Pooh vs Bambi #3 of 3 In the climactic finale, Pooh and Bambi face off, and the fate of the Hundred Acre Wood hangs in the balance! But even if Pooh can stop his erstwhile partner, can he hope to save General Christopher Robin and the rest of humanity from the war to come? Story by Joe Brusha, Dave Franchini, David Wohl & Noah Mitchell Writer - Noah Mitchell Artwork - Jordi Tarragona (1-11 & 20-22) & Jordi Perez (12-19) Colors - Juan Manuel Rodriguez Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios Editor - David Wohl COVER A - Al Barrionuevo - PVSB03A COVER B - Igor Vitorino - PVSB03B COVER C - Maria Laura Sanapo - PVSB03C
Pierluigi Abbondanza - May 2024 Metal Mini Art Print - LE 50
Pierluigi Abbondanza - May 2024 Metal Mini Art Print - LE 50 Pooh vs. Bambi #1 - Cover C Measures 7" x 11"
Ivan Tao - August 2024 Metal Mini Art Print - LE 50
Ivan Tao - August 2024 Metal Mini Art Print - LE 50 Van Helsing: Hexed - Cover D Measures 7" x 11"
Pierluigi Abbondanza - July 2024 Metal Mini Art Print - LE 50
Pierluigi Abbondanza - June 2024 Metal Mini Art Print - LE 50 Fairy Tale Team-Up: Robyn Hood & Van Helsing - Cover D Measures 7" x 11"
Pierluigi Abbondanza - June 2024 Metal Mini Art Print - LE 50
Pierluigi Abbondanza - June 2024 Metal Mini Art Print - LE 50 Horror & Fantasy Illustrated: Plum Island - Cover C Measures 7" x 11"
Guillermo Fajardo - Wonderland - Mini Art Print Set
Guillermo Fajardo - Wonderland - Mini Art Print Set Wonderland: Return to Madness #2 - Cover A
Igor Vitorino - Pooh vs. Bambi - Mini Art Print Set
Igor Vitorino - Pooh vs. Bambi - Mini Art Print Set Pooh vs. Bambi #2 - Cover B