Eve Harper is one of the best couriers there is, but when she takes a job to find a missing shipment for an extremely dangerous drug dealer named Gillings, Eve is forced to use every trick she's ever learned in order to survive the riskiest job of her life.
The Courier Single Issues
The Courier #2
Zenescope’s brand new Apocalyptic thriller continues here! Eve Harper fights for her life against a pack of mutated and bloodthirsty creatures called “Primals.” Meanwhile, the ruthless Apostles find they’re unwelcome at the compound they’ve forced their way into as they threaten the residents with bodily harm unless the Apostles leader, Colvin, is treated for his wounds. Cover A - Drew Edward Johnson | Ceci de la Cruz Cover B - Allan Otero | Grostieta Cover C - Mike Krome | Ula Mos Cover D - Robert Atkins | Wes Hartman
The Courier #3
Thinking Eve’s responsible for their leader’s death, a group of Specter gang members ambushes her and strings her up in the woods. The group intends to beat and torture Eve, but help arrives in the form of two teens who are hunting nearby. And as things escalate, Eve must make a snap decision to cut bait and run or to save the life of the kid who saved hers. Cover A - Mike Capprotti Cover B - Robert Atkins | Wes Hartman Cover C - Mike Krome | Ula Mos Cover D - Drew Edward Johnson | Ceci de la Cruz
The Courier #4
After a daring escape Eve and Franklin are on the run from the Specters but with a bad tire, they don’t know how far they’ll get. Eve must think quickly in order to save their lives and comes up with a bold but extremely dangerous idea to lure some Primals into the mix as a distraction. Cover A - Drew Edward Johnson | Ceci de la Cruz Cover B - J.G. Miranda | Grostieta Cover C - Juan Carlos Ruiz Cover D - Jason Metcalf | Sanju Nivangune
The Courier #5
FINAL ISSUE! Eve sneaks into the Specters makeshift basecamp to rescue Franklin in the middle of the night. But when things go awry, Eve and Franklin have very little time to get away. With a bloodthirsty Jansen on the duo’s tail, Eve knows her and Franklin are going to need to make a stand against impossible odds. Don’t miss the final issue of Zenescope’s hit series: The Courier! Cover A - Sheldon Goh | Ylenia Di Napoli Cover B - Leonardo Colapietro Cover C - Sabine Rich Cover D - Harvey Tolibao | Vinicius Andrade
The Courier: Liberty & Death #2
Gillings crew - along with Eve - gets ambushed by The Divinity. Now a prisoner of a savage commune of freaks, Eve is forced to play a sadistic game of survival while trying to find a way to escape her captors. Meanwhile, a seemingly clever pack of primals has followed Morgan and his crew back to their compound as the monstrous beings search for their own form of vengeance. Cover A - Igor Vitorino | Ivan Nunes Cover B - Sabine Rich
The Courier: Liberty & Death #3
Eve arrives in time to help Morgan stave off a primal attack at the Penn compound, but are they outnumbered and undermanned? Meanwhile, in direct defiance of Liberty's Chancellor - his own sister - Gillings takes matters into his own hands and rides out to find his missing drugs. He has a feeling where they are, and things at the Penn compound are about to get even more explosive! 40 pages. Cover A - Leonardo Colapietro Cover B - Nelly Jimenez