The Best Fantasy, Horror and Sci-Fi Comics in the Universe



Artist Submission Guidelines – Please send 3-5 pages of finished artwork, a link to your portfolio, and a signed copy of this Submissions Release Form to  If sending submissions via traditional mail, please send clean photocopies (NOT originals) and must be mailed to Zenescope Entertainment, Attn.: Submissions, 433 Caredean Dr. Ste C Horsham, PA 19044.

Writer Submission Guidelines – Please send an email detailing your writing experience along with samples of your published comic book and other fiction work in PDF form to Please do not send any unpublished scripts or unsolicited story proposals. All unpublished scripts and unsolicited writing pitches will not be read and will be deleted.

*Due to the large amount of submissions received, you should only expect to hear from an editor if they wish to hire you for work.
