Van Helsing: Bonded by Blood
Liesel Van Helsing’s past has been marred in blood and betrayal, but none so life-changing than the revelation of the existence of her half-sister Charlotte le Fanu, better known as Dracula’s Daughter. Although siblings by blood, there is no love lost between these two sisters set on either side of the stake. But, now forced into a situation where they must rely upon one another, can Liesel survive the family reunion?!
Story by Dave Franchini, David Wohl & Pat Shand
Writer - Pat Shand
Artwork - Hakan Aydin
Colors - Grostieta
Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios
Editor - David Wohl
COVER A - Igor Vitorino, Robby Bevard - VHBBLOODA
COVER B - Julius Abrera - VVHBBLOODB
COVER C - Maria Laura Sanapo, Vinicius Andrade - VHBBLOODC