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Wonderland Trading Card Mat


Wonderland Trading Card Mat

Our non-slip Wonderland Trading Card Mat is large enough to fit multiple electronic peripherals -- gaming console, laptop, keyboard, mouse -- all on one pad.  It's also great for gaming or as a trading card mat!  It has a special whip-stitched hemmed black border to avoid fraying, peeling and ripping along the edges. Supports both optical and laser mice.

Dimensions: 31.5" W x 15.5"

Artwork by Anthony Spay

Product form

£20.00 Excl. VAT


    Wonderland Trading Card Mat

    Our non-slip Wonderland Trading Card Mat is large enough to fit multiple electronic peripherals -- gaming console, laptop, keyboard, mouse -- all on one pad.  It's also great for gaming or as a trading card mat!  It has a special whip-stitched hemmed black border to avoid fraying, peeling and ripping along the edges. Supports both optical and laser mice.

    Dimensions: 31.5" W x 15.5"

    Artwork by Anthony Spay


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