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2022 Zenescope Staff Faves - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

2022 Zenescope Staff Faves

, by Sarah Houghton, 11 min reading time

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Happy Valentine’s Day to you, dear readers!!  I am here today to share the love with all of you, who make our community so special.  Also here to announce the winner of last week’s raffle for the Sleeping Beauty bundle, so lets get to it!  (Big thanks to everyone who entered, and keep your eyes peeled for another raffle in March.)

Congratulations Khang on winning the bundle - I’ll get it mailed out to you asap!

And while we're on the topic of love, thought it might be fun to share Zenescope Staff Faves for 2022?  We spent hours compiling and analyzing the Z-Team’s favorite releases using brand new, state of the art technology dubbed “The Zenometer 3000”.  JK, we did it the old fashioned way - everyone very kindly emailed me their selections.  

I look forward reading these types of year-in-review lists and would certainly not object if any of you want to share your 2022 Faves in comments!! 😍

Jason’s Picks:

  • Favorite Zenescope Exclusive Cover:  Dawn McTeigue - 2022 August Lingerie Collectible Cover - LE 299 - SOLD OUT
  • Favorite Zenescope Single Issue Cover: GFT Annual Cover D Ivan Tao
  • Favorite TV Show:  Andor
  • Favorite Song:  Vegas by Doja Cat
  • Favorite 2022 Memory:  The Phillies World Series run (duh!)

Casey’s Picks:

Noah’s Picks:

  • Favorite Zenescope Exclusive Cover: I LOVED Sun's Aliens homage cover. John Royle's NYC exclusive was great, but I also liked Elias' Zorry Board Game cover. Also, all of Ian Macdonald's Diamond incentive covers were top tier.
  • Favorite Zenescope Single Issue Cover: Too many to count! I will grab anything that is by Ivan Tao, Guillermo Fajardo, Jeff Spokes, or Igor Lomov.
  • Favorite Movie: The only movie I went to the theaters to see in 2022 was The Batman, so there's something to be said about that. After a quick scroll through IMDB, I realized there are so many movies that I intended to see, but never did. I still have to watch The Northman, The House, Weird, Nope, and Everything Everywhere All At Once (which ironically is how it feels trying to watch all of these movies).
  • Favorite TV Show: Not Obi-Wan
  • Favorite Album: I thought Silk Sonic came out in 2022, but it turns out that was '21, so now I've just slept through a whole year's worth of music I guess.
  • Favorite Song: I don't know what songs came out in 2022, but I've been jamming hard to Paul William's 1974 hit, "The Hell of It". WAIT, scratch that. I just remembered Kendrick's "The Heart Part 5" came out last summer, so we'll throw that in the mix too.

“2022 came and went and I'm still trying to figure out where it's gone.” - Noah Mitchell, 2023

Di’s Picks

Ashley’s Picks

Mark’s Picks

Sarah’s Picks

Childhood photo of LeBron James

And now for a quick break from Zenescope-related content to introduce a new semi-regular feature I’m calling Sally Oop’s Hoops Scoop.  My alter-ego is an NBA reporter breaking stories all day, but about NBA stories only relevant to me like, “How much longer until Sally Oop forgives Kawhi for betraying the Spurs?  Come on, it’s been almost 5 years.”  Hint: I WILL NEVER FORGIVE KAWHI.  My heart is permanently broken, and “Curse You, Kawhi” is going on my tombstone.

But this is actually, kind of, a for-real major NBA story, because how often does someone break an unbreakable record?  Kareem’s 38,390 points was out of reach for 40 years, and there are honestly so many mind-bogglers to LeBron’s ascendance as the new All-Time Scoring Leader.  He did it in 150 fewer games!  And on Taco Tuesday!  What is his final points total going to be?  Oh, and he’s also #4 all-time for Assists?  How can we still be talking about peak-LeBron 20 years into his career?  I guess he’s decent at basketball is what I’m saying.  /NBAcontent

Sooooo, please share everything from 2022 that YOU loved in comments - doesn't have to be Zenescope-related.  Books, movies, podcasts, heck, even vacations or family memories... I would LOVE to hear it all!!!

NEXT WEEK: My thoughts on February Movie Club film Drive, Zenescope's convention calendar for 2023, and we rank the Hunks of 2022 Movie Club films.




  • Awesome! Thank you so much!



  • Favorite Zenescope Exclusive Cover: Grimm Spotlight: Zodiac (June Diamond Retailer cover by Ian MacDonald) Favorite Zenescope Single Issue Cover: Belle Annual – Cover by Ariel Diaz Favorite Movie: Top Gun: Maverick Favorite TV Show: Stranger Things S4 N/A for everything else



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