The Best Fantasy, Horror and Sci-Fi Comics in the Universe

It's Me. Hi. I'm the Blogger, it's Me. - Zenescope Entertainment Inc

It's Me. Hi. I'm the Blogger, it's Me.

, by Sarah Houghton, 6 min reading time


Now And Zen logo

Welcome, welcome to another year at Zenescope!! 2022 was quite a whirlwind here at Z-HQ; lots of new releases, some character debuts, and a few fresh faces around the office - including mine!

I started back in September, helping Mark with the webstore, and oh em gee has it been a dream come true! It still surprises me sometimes that part of my job is reading comics. As a lifelong nerd and pop-culture enthusiast, it’s right up my alley! Of course, it helps having such an amazing team of coworkers who make Zenescope so special - it’s genuinely such a joy to be around these folks. And last on the list but first in our hearts, there’s all of you - dear readers - who have been so welcoming when I pop in on Facebook or a livestream!

I’m very excited to introduce our new blog, “Now & Zen”! The plan is to have a regular interactive space for updates about new releases & works in progress, peeks behind the scenes at the creative process, movie reviews, pop culture happenings - basically a really fun community where we can connect about the art we love! I also told Casey I’m going to work as many Taylor Swift references as possible into posts, so buckle up ‘cuz I take my middle-aged-Swiftie status very seriously.

Here’s a few more random facts about me:

Inside Sarah's Brain - Enter at Your Own Risk

We’ve got a fresh batch of movies on the docket for Movie Club 2023.  January saw us chatting about everyone’s favorite human, Keanu Reeves, and our panel’s varying feelings about John Wick.  I got to sub in for Noah, which was super fun but also slightly intimidating cuz he’s so good at it!  (Fortunately, Ralph handled hosting duties.)  If you haven’t already seen the 2023 Movie Club calendar, let me tell you we have a GREAT list of movies lined up, and of course Sun Khamunaki’s gorgeous covers will be back through our Movie Club subscription, individual purchase, or as showcase editions.

Conventions were back in a big way for 2022, and we made a bunch of new friends along the way with stops in Detroit, Orlando, San Diego, Chicago, Seattle, and NYC, to name a few.  We’ll be trying to get to even more cons this year, and we’ll also be hosting several VIP Events throughout the year - the first being VIP New Orleans Friday, March 10th and Saturday, March 11th!  

What else?  Oh yeah - comics!  There were oh so many new releases in 2022, but only 1 new character got her own book…  The inimitable Rory Norris, a.k.a. Sleeping Beauty!  I’ve got a soft spot for Sleeping Beauty since it was released shortly before I started, and was a great entry point to the Zenescope Universe for me.  I love the interior artwork - it’s so evocative and beautifully captures the trippiness of dreams.

Sooooo to celebrate the blog re-launch, and as a special treat for one lucky Zenepal, I’m running a l’il raffle for a Sleeping Beauty bundle with copies of all 3 covers, signed by our very own Dave Franchini, a holographic Sleeping Beauty sticker, and a surprise LE 50 metal card.  

The raffle runs until 11:59 PM ET on Sunday, February 12th.  You can earn 2 entries per day by leaving a blog comment, and 1 entry each for visiting us on Facebook and following us on Twitter.  Please follow the Rafflecopter instructions below.  The winner will be announced on next week's blog post! 

(This is our first experiment with Rafflecopter - feedback welcome!)

Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Sleeping Beauty - Covers A, B & C

a Rafflecopter giveaway

p.s. The header image is this sticker by TypoLetteringCo on Etsy. I have 3 lol.




  • Hi Sarah, welcome to Zenescope! Loving the blog so far; I love how devoted Zenescope is to building and engaging with their community. The first Zenescope comic I ever read was The Black Knight but the characters that have most captured my attention are: Robyn Hood, and Skye Mathers.



  • Welcome. 2023 is off to a good year with Zenescope.



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