All Wonderland Comics
Wonderland: Return to Madness #3 of 3
Wonderland: Return to Madness #3 of 3 Caught in the crossfire between Queen Myriad and the Grand Hatter, Violet Liddle must control the madness growing within her as she tries to rescue Bonnie Givens, a young girl whose innocence holds the key to the future of Wonderland—and of Violet, herself! But does she even want to be saved? Story by Alec Worley, Dave Franchini & David Wohl Writer - Alec Worley Artwork - Giulia Pellegrini Colors - Robby Bevard Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios Editor - David Wohl COVER A - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes - WONDRTM03A COVER B - Giulia Pellegrini, Ivan Nunes - WONDRTM03B COVER C - Igor Lomov - WONDRTM03C
Wonderland: Return to Madness #2 of 3
Wonderland: Return to Madness #2 of 3 Desperate to find a way to bring her mother Calie back to life, Violet Liddle returns to Wonderland, the place of Madness. But she realizes that this realm of dreams and nightmares has vastly changed, with new factions battling for control of a young human girl who is the unwitting key to the future of Wonderland. Can Violet protect this girl, Bonnie, from the forces that threaten to corrupt her, or is it already too late for her...and all of Wonderland? Story by Alec Worley, Dave Franchini & David Wohl Writer - Alec Worley Artwork - Giulia Pellegrini Colors - Robby Bevard Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios Editor - David Wohl COVER A - Guillermo Fajardo - WONDRTM02A COVER B - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes - WONDRTM02B COVER C - Josh Burns - WONDRTM02C
Wonderland: Return to Madness #1 of 3
Wonderland: Return to Madness #1 of 3 From the moment Alice Liddle first entered the beautiful yet terrifying world of Wonderland, she fulfilled a birthright that has ensnared generations of her family in a battle against the evil that thrives there. Now, Alice’s granddaughter Violet, after having lost almost everything to the realm of nightmares and barely escaping with her sanity intact, has vowed to return to this land of madness to take back all that was stolen from her. But when Bonnie, a young high school freshman, is lured in, Violet must alter her plans and save this innocent girl and her family from suffering the same fate as the Liddles. Story by Alec Worley, Dave Franchini & David Wohl Writer - Alec Worley Artwork - Giulia Pellegrini Colors - Robby Bevard Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios Editor - David Wohl COVER A - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes - WONDRTM01A COVER B - Harvey Tolibao, Mohan Sivakami - WONDRTM01B COVER C - Derlis Santacruz, Nei Ruffino - WONDRTM01C
Wonderland: Child of Madness #3 of 3
Wonderland: Child of Madness #3 of 3 With her mother on the brink of death, Violet is left without many options, but a path does present itself through the treacherous maze which is the insanity of Wonderland. Violet and Calie have had their ups and downs in this demented world that has haunted their family over the years, but the secrets revealed in this story, and the choices made within, will alter all that we know about the realm of dreams. Everything must come to an end –what was born must die, and those rules even apply to denizens of Madness. Don’t miss the story that will change everything! Story by Dave Franchini, David Wohl & Raven Gregory Writer - Raven Gregory Artwork - Juan Francisco Mota Colors - Jorge Cortes(1-23, 26-28) & Robby Bevard (24,25,29-32) Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios Editor - David Wohl COVER A - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes - WONDCHILD03A COVER B - Allan Otero, Grostieta - WONDCHILD03B COVER C - Igor Lomov - WONDCHILD03C COVER D - Drax Gal - WONDCHILD03D
Wonderland: Child of Madness #2 of 3
Wonderland: Child of Madness #2 of 3 Calie Liddle has always led a difficult life, but now she’s forced to relive her “formativeyears” with her overbearing daughter Violet, an adult now forced into the parent’s role.Trapped in a body unfamiliar to her, in a world of nightmares she’s rediscovering, Caliemust survive Wonderland while also surviving puberty–AGAIN! Story by Dave Franchini, David Wohl & Raven Gregory Writer - Raven Gregory Artwork - Julius Abrera Colors - Robby Bevard Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios Editor - David Wohl COVER A - Igor Vitorino, Ivan Nunes - WONDCHILD02A COVER B - Allan Otero, Mohan Sivakami - WONDCHILD02B COVER C - Pierluigi Abbondanza - WONDCHILD02C COVER D - Drax Gal - WONDCHILD02D
Wonderland: Child of Madness #1 of 3
Wonderland: Child of Madness #1 of 3 Everything must come to an end. But for Calie Liddle, her story is just beginning…again. Trapped in the form of an infant, and being raised by her daughter Violet, the Liddles must navigate this new form of madness if they hope to return to some semblance of normalcy, or be forever plagued by the insanity that is Wonderland. Story by Dave Franchini, David Wohl & Raven Gregory Writer - Raven Gregory Artwork - Giada Belviso Colors - Robby Bevard Letters - Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios Editor - David Wohl COVER A - Al Barrionuevo, Nei Ruffino - WONDCHILD01A COVER B - Jordi Tarragona, Ivan Nunes - WONDCHILD01B COVER C - Ignacio Noe - WONDCHILD01C COVER D - Ivan Tao - WONDCHILD01D
Wonderland Annual: It's a Wonderland Life
Wonderland Annual: It's a Wonderland Life Wonderland, the realm of dreams, has placed a target on the Liddle family since before Calie was born. But what if Calie never existed? What if this realm never had a chance to sink its claws into her? How would the world have turned out without the erstwhile Queen of all the Madness?Find out in this twisted holiday story filled with cheer, yule and insanity! 64 pages. Cover A - Igor Vitorino | Robby Bevard Cover B - Tristan Thompson Cover C - Derlis Santacruz | Sanju Nivangune
Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Wonderland - War of Madness
Grimm Myths & Legends Quarterly: Wonderland - War of Madness Peace has returned to Wonderland at last. The madness that the Jabberwocky wished to unleash has been halted, but all is not right in the realm of the newly appointed Flower Queen of Wonderland, Evelyn. As madness continues to seep through the cracks of this world, seeking to consume all that is good, it has found a new foothold in someone close to the throne. And chaos may soon reign again in Wonderland. Cover A - Igor Vitorino | Hedwin Zaldivar Cover B - Guillermo Fajardo Cover C - Mike Krome | Ula Mos
Wonderland Annual: Reign of Madness
Hundreds of years before the Liddles ever stepped foot there, and long before it was destined for its inescapable chaos and insanity, there was Wonderland, the realm of dreams. It was a peaceful land of hope and imagination, but under its surface grew a darkness waiting to spread its tendrils into all that was. And as it was finally released, the evil seeped out into this extraordinary world, pulling two sisters into the center of its plot to bring madness to the inhabitants of all it touched turning all it corrupted into nightmares of their former selves. A war has been building for the very soul of this realm, and madness aims to reign over all that resides there. But, can the hope of a few and the love of a sister keep the evil at bay and fight what is destined to be? Don’t miss this over-sized Wonderland issue that sets the stage for all that comes after! 64 pages. Cover A - Igor Vitorino | Ivan Nunes Cover B - Mike Krome | Ula Mos Cover C - Josh Burns
Revenge of Wonderland #6
Issue #6 of 6 It's the battle we've all been waiting for, Calie Liddle versus The Dutchess of Wonderland. With the life of Calie's daughter, Violet, hanging in the balance, only one of them will make it out alive. With so many unanswered questions, don't miss the climactic ending to the most twisted Wonderland series yet. Cover A - Sean Chen | Ivan Nunes Cover B - Allan Otero | Jorge Cortes Cover C - Ruiz Burgos
Revenge of Wonderland #5
Issue #5 of 6 Before the Duchess, before the Caterpillar, and before the Revenge ofWonderland, an event of nightmarish proportions ripped through the realmof dreams, decimating all the beings who dwelled there. In this epic issue,unimaginable events will take place as Calie Liddle comes face-to-face with theDuchess of Wonderland. Cover A - Igor Vitorino | Ivan Nunes Cover B - Sheldon Goh | Vinicius Andrade Cover C - Michael DiPascale | Sanju Nivangune Cover D - Harvey Tolibao | Ivan Nunes
Revenge of Wonderland #4
Issue #4 of 6 As vast changes spread and wreak havoc in the world of dreams, Calie finds herself face-to-face with the latest incarnation of Wonderland’s twisted denizens... the new and improved caterpillar. While Calie fights for her life, Violet learns what the Duchess and Wonderland both want. The truth may drive us all mad. Cover A - Sean Chen | Hedwin Zaldivar Cover B - Igor Vitorino | Ivan Nunes Cover C - Ula Mos Cover D - Edgar Salazar | Jorge Cortes
Revenge of Wonderland #3
Issue #3 of 6 With Violet captured and taken to Wonderland, Calie must once again journey to the realm of dreams gone mad to save her daughter from the diabolical clutches of the Duchess. But the Duchess isn’t the only being standing in Calie’s way, as Wonderland is more than happy to show her that its only beginning. Cover A - Igor Vitorino | Ivan Nunes Cover B - Allan Otero | Grostieta Cover C - Kevin McCoy | David Ocampo Cover D - Edgar Salazar | Hedwin Zaldivar
Revenge of Wonderland #1 - Cover G
Blank Sketch Edition
Wonderland: Birth of Madness One-Shot
Before Alice, before the madness, there was a peaceful realm of dreams called Wonderland. This is the story of corruption, the birth of madness, how the realm of dreams became the realm of nightmares. Cover A - Sean Chen | Ivan Nunes Cover B - Sean Chen | Ivan Nunes Cover C - Mike Krome | Ula Mos Cover D - Daniel Leister | Sean Forney
Wonderland #19
Calie and Violet have located the mythic Ebony Blade, the weapon responsible for ending the terrible reign of the Jabberwocky, and for once it seems the odds are in their favor. But don’t expect their luck to last long as they come face to face with the new Mad Hatter and Cheshire Cat in a battle that will shake the foundations of the Wonderland universe.
Wonderland #23
Now that she is at the Mercy of the Void, Hazel is turned into a weapon against Calie. Will Calie achieve her destiny that the Star Gods hinted at, or will she finally fall victim to the evils of Wonderland? The countdown to the special anniversary issue of Wonderland #25 continues.
Wonderland #33
With the White Rabbit uncovering the secrets hidden deep within Wonderland, Calie and Dark Cheshire go on a mountain quest to find the secretive Antipathies. This tri-entity, sickened by the madness that has long infected Wonderland, guards a secret to the Realm's very existence. Elsewhere, a squire to Wonderland's fallen Realm Knights tracks down the Terror and faces his waking nightmares.
Wonderland #34
WELL OF DREAMS - PART TWO An encounter with the elusive Antipathies and their Well of Dreams reveals a new darkness in Wonderland! Assisted by the Squire, Calie begins a quest to find the only artifact in the Realm that can contain the nightmare-fueled Terror.
Wonderland: Finale
After years of struggle and torment Calie Liddle has finally realized she cannot save Wonderland from the madness that infests it. All she wants to do is go home and try to live a normal life with her daughter Violet, and try to put the memories of Wonderland behind her. But escaping madness is never that easy and Wonderland has no intention of letting her go that easy. Don’t miss the final chapter of the story that started in the Wonderland trilogy. Cover A - Drew Edward Johnson | Ceci de la Cruz Cover B - Andrea Errico Cover C - Joe Pekar Cover D - Gregbo Watson | Ceci de la Cruz
Wonderland #38
RETRIBUTION -- Part Two of Two. The ONE-EYED JACK visits the SQUIRE in the dungeon and she asserts her innocence before being led to the guillotine. Meanwhile, Drew is forced into a corner and only Calie has a chance at saving him and his family. The epic critically acclaimed series continues!
Wonderland #37
RETRIBUTION -- Part One of Two. As Calie gets in touch with her past on Earth, the darker forces of Wonderland begin to conspire against her. With the Ace of Spades mounting a master plan to take the White Queen down, it seems that the madness of Wonderland is finally fighting back!
Wonderland #36
Calie rushes to lock the mystical En Passant around the Terror's neck and put an end to the nightmares he brings to life. But first, Calie has to put her out-of-control bodyguard down. The Dark Cheshire's nightmares unfold in the final chapter of the Well of Dreams!
Wonderland #49
The hunt for the Ace of Spades continues as Calie and Violet head to the beaches of south Florida to face the Queen of Hearts. Though the Queen is surrounded by dedicated servants, something is awry in the kingdom of sun and sand. Will Calie and Violet's arrival spell the end of the Ace's armies, or is this another piece of his elaborate scheme to rule over Wonderland? Cover A - Roger Bonet Martinez | Beezzz Studio Cover B - Noah Salonga | Jorge Cortes Cover C - Martin Abel
Wonderland #39
Before Calie's first encounter with the looking glass, her mother's mind was rocked by her own adventures in Wonderland. Meet Alice Liddle - mother, housewife, and just a little mad. As Alice's mind slips further and further from reality, a very real and very obsessed man turns his unwanted affections toward her. When Alice confronts her stalker, she sets in motion a series of events that Calie will one day have to face. Cover A - Mike Krome / Ula Mos Cover B - Daniel Leister / Wes Hartman Cover C - Chris Ehnot / David Delanty
Wonderland #40
All is not well for Calie Liddle. Dragons destroy villages in Wonderland, the Ace of Spades continues his evil plotting, and Violet Liddle's struggle for sanity continues. Leaving Wonderland in the hands of those she's come to trust, Calie must return to Earth and save her daughter from herself before time runs out. Cover A - Marat Mychaels / Sanju Nivangune Cover B - Jarreau Wimberly Cover C - Meguro
Wonderland #42
As one war ends another begins. The Ace of Spades begins his redesign of Wonderland, while his newest ally–Violet Liddle–faces the Hatter spirits inside her head. As the Hatters eat away at Violet’s mind, the Ace of Spade’s final goal is revealed. Cover A - Renato Rei / Stephen Schaffer Cover B - Vinz El Tabanas Cover C - Paolo Pantalena / Ula Mos
Wonderland #44
The story of the Wondermen continues as Violet’s connection to Wonderland is revealed. As Calie looks deeper into the Wondermen cult, she learns that their connection to Wonderland goes beyond a single mastermind; they’ve uncovered the locations of Wonerland’s worst on Earth. Cover A - Gregbo Watson / Sanju Nivangune Cover B - Noah Salonga / Leonardo Paciarotti Cover C - Paolo Pantalena / Ula Mos
Wonderland #47
Calie, Violet, and the Dark Cheshire continue to hunt the denizens of Wonderland on Earth! An escaped and mutilated victim leads the Liddles to the hidden horror chamber ruled by Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. To get close, Calie and Violet must become victims of the Tweedles latest plot. Cover A - Roger Bonet Martinez | Santosh Cover B - Noah Salonga | Leonardo Paciarotti Cover C - Josh Burns
Grimm Fairy Tales vs. Wonderland #3
While Calie and Sela work together to heal those afflicted by the madness of Wonderland, the dark One takes this opportunity to make a strike against the Realm of Dreams. With his new general, a mysterious card soldier known only as the Ace of Spades, by his side... it is only a matter of time before Wonderland once again falls to evil. Cover A - Daniel Leister | Stephen Schaffer Cover B - Marat Mychaels | Sanju Nivangune Cover C - Mikra Andolfo
Wonderland #48
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum take Violet and Calie captive! Ravaged by the Tweedles' madness, they are given the choice to starve to death or eat the ones they love. Calie and Violet put everything on the line to escape and save the victims, but are these cannibals already beyond redemption? Cover A - Roger Bonet Martinez | Beezzz Studio Cover B - Noah Salonga | Leonardo Paciarotti Cover C - Josh Burns